The Pilchi river in Wankey.
Opo children singing.
Opo woman cooking mapo.
Opo men fishing with spears.
Opo carved boat.
Opo traditional game.
Opo man hunting with his dogs.
The road to Longkwey
Opo village drying sorghum
Roasting corn.
Opo homestead.

Welcome to the Opo Language Storehouse! Here you will find everything you need to know about our language. There is a page where you can learn the New Opo Alphabet, a page where you can view videos, a page where you can read the Opo Bible, a page with the Opo dictionary, and much much more!

Who are the Opo?

The Opo are divided into seven tribes: the Bilugu of Wankey, the Modin of Mera, the Pame of Mayut, the Bikol of Paythet, the Kigile of Kigile, gʉ Philakʼoy of Katen, and the Dana of Dajo.

Opo tribes

The Opo live in Ethiopia and Sudan. See the chart below for a map of or home.

Opo area map.
Opo genetic classification

The Opo langage is one of the Koman languages, which is a language family in the Nilo-Saharan phylum.

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