Chapter 5. Conjunctions and adpositions

5.1    Do not write  gɨ́  mʉ́  gʉmʉ́   nɨ́  anɨ́    or  abɨ  together with any other words.

5.1.1 Write  gɨ́  by itself.

5.1.2    Write  mʉ́  by itself.

5.1.3    Write  gʉmʉ́  by itself.

5.1.4    Write  nɨ́  by itself.

5.1.5    Write  anɨ́  by itself.

5.1.6 Rule
5.1.6 Rule

5.1.6    Write  bɨ  by itself.

5.1.7 Rule
5.1.7 Rule

5.1.7    Write  abɨ  by itself.

5.2 Rule
5.2 Rule

5.2    Always write  a  together with words it modifies. When it is the name of a person, or place, or something else (proper name), separate the  a  from its the noun with a hyphen (–).

5.3    When  gʉ  meets with other words, sometimes it is written together with them.

5.3.1 Rule
5.3.1 Rule

5.3.1    When    meets with pronouns that begin with the vowel  a  (aga, ay, ar, ab, an), write them together.

5.3.2 Rule
5.3.2 Rule

5.3.2    When    meets with pronouns that start with the vowel  ʉ  (ʉn and ʉma), write them together and take away one of the  ʉ  vowels.

5.3.3 Rule
5.3.3 Rule

5.3.3    When    meets with other words, write them separately.

5.4    When    meets with other words, sometimes they are written together.

5.4.1 Rule
5.4.1 Rule

5.4.1    When  gá  meets with a pronoun that begins with a vowel (aga, ay, ar, ab, ʉma, ʉn, an), write them together and take away the  á  , giving its tone marking to the vowels that remain.

5.4.2 Rule
5.4.2 Rule

5.4.2    When  gá  meets with other words, write them separately.

5.4.3 Rule
5.4.3 Rule

5.4.3    If    introduces a dependant clause, do not write it together with a following pronoun. Write it by itself. (Dependant clauses are shown with brackets in the example).

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