Chapter 7. Demonstratives

In Opo they show the location of something relative to the speaker (i.e. demonstratives) with a suffix. Something close takes  -ɨ́no  (in Pamé  -hɨ́ye). When something is far away  it takes  -ɨ́nɨ (in Pamé  -hɨ́nʉ).  When something is very far away it takes  -ɨ́nɨ tirí (in Pame  -hɨ́nʉ toro).


7.1 Nabʼáatíne
7.1 Nabʼáatíne

7.1    Write the demonstrative on the right edge of the word it is modifying, but write  tirí  by itself.

7.2 Nabʼáatíne
7.2 Nabʼáatíne

7.2    If the word ends in  « a »  it merges with the « ɨ́ » od the demonstrative and becomes « é ».

7.3 Nabʼáatíne
7.3 Nabʼáatíne

7.3    When the word ends with any other vowel (i u ɨ ʉ e o ɛ ɔ), the « ɨ́ » of the demonstrative is removed but leaves behind its tone marking on the vowel of the main word.

7.4 Nabʼáatíne
7.4 Nabʼáatíne

7.4    If the word has regular « i » or « u » in it and ends in a consonant, the « ɨ́ » of the demonstrative changes to « í ».

7.5 Nabʼáatíne

7.5    If the word has one syllable, and ends in a vowel, and is low toned (like « pi », or « ku », or « pa ») do the following: double the vowel (i → ii, u → uu, e → ee, o → oo). Change « a » to « e » (a → ee). Remove the « ɨ́ » but leave its tone marking on the final vowel.

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